Hey everybody,
Well, the weather is still great and so is the work!
Miracles are pouring in the east right now! Christopher was baptized on Friday! I've never seen someone so excited and so happy about the gospel. His mom came as well and even came to sacrament meeting for the confirmation and stayed all three hours. Now Christopher's sister, Ashley, has a desire to learn more as well. This week, she was hiding from us and wouldn't even come to the baptism. Her date for the 25th is now dropped. She also has some memory retention issues but is picking up on a lot in the lessons. I'm so glad Heavenly Father put Nick and Tiffany in our path in the past because now we know the teaching tactics for these instances. The gospel does bless families.
Aries is stoked for Thursday! He receives so many different confirmations that this is true. He got goosebumps as he watched the Restoration DVD. There's a few more Filipinos at church for him now to hang out with and fellowship. There should just be a Filipino Branch in the East already! Elder Mercado could be the Branch President... just kidding. He plans on going back to the Phillipines to baptize his family as well.
We received a referral from the media about a lady, Linda Baker, that had a member from Cardston talk to her about the gospel while she was at work. She had the most overwhelming feelings of peace and comfort as he talked to her and she took a Book of Mormon. As soon as she started reading it, she knew it was true. Her co-worker told her that Mormons don't believe in God or Jesus. Linda showed her the testimony of the 3 witnesses and said we do believe in Jesus and Heavenly Father. She's already a missionary! She said she would be honored to be baptized on March 3rd. She has WOW issues and is going to Jamaica for a week so her date is not in stone right now but it's amazing how the Lord places these people in our paths.
Carly has been reading on and off. She's also been cancelling on our appointments. She's getting her wisdom teeth taken out this week but we're praying our hearts and souls out for her. We still feel like there's some hidden concern that we're unsure about. The Relief Society is getting her visiting teachers which we're pretty stoked about.
Justin is moving along. He's reading on and off but is showing up at church regularly. He seems more focused in the lessons and we're praying that the desire will continue to build and build as he reads the scriptures.
Constance is still at the same spot. She loves reading and coming to church. She has a great fellowshipper and loves the people. She's getting better at keeping the Word of Wisdom. We worked out some steps for her to take so that she can stop. Her partner Henry won't sit in on the lessons. She has some fear about talking to him about marriage. We've got to find some way to get Henry to sit in so we can teach them both the beauty of being married.
Small and simple things bring great things to pass! Elder Harris got a phone call from someone with the wrong number, and asked that man if he would like to learn more about the church. He said yes and passed him off to us. We found 3 people in that home who want to learn more, one person was baptized 7 years ago and one of them is praying about being baptized on March 3rd! Ask for referrals from everyone!
Everything in the area is going great. I never would have thought that Elliston Park would be busier than the YSA Ward. We've got to find a way to manage both. The zone is doing pretty well. I just wish everyone was obedient for the right reasons, not because they're afriad of us rebuking them but because they love the Lord.
As far as me, well it doesn't matter about me at all does it? We're doing the 40 day fast right now. If anybody wants in on this, do it. You just list out what keeps you from having the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, make a covenant to stop doing those things, repent at night if you slipped up and re-covenant again. There's so many miracles happening right now. I love you all and am thankful for the prayers offered for us. The work is doing so well and I am so exhausted yet feel so great.
Elder Madsen